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Managed IT Services
It's hard in today’s business world to manage all of the necessary staff to form a full IT department. With employees coming and going, necessary training needed and the associated overhead, costs can become overwhelming.
Managed Services is the “outside-the-box” solution that your business will benifit from. Your company’s size is never an issue, there are many roles and responsibilities that can be filled by an external qualified staff.
Arch Tech Computer and Networking Solutions offers a model of managed IT services that no other IT company offers in your area. Through a unique strategic approach, we review your internal capabilities, discuss your objectives and determine how we can best satisfy your needs, all while helping you achieve your personal business goals. Clients will benefit from our flexible engagements, while constantly utilizing the best practices for any industry.
Usually, Managed Services organizations approach businesses with the ‘how many workstations’ and ‘how many servers’ approach, they plug it into a formula and give you a standard price. At Arch Tech Computer and Networking Solutions we are not concerned with fitting your number of boxes into our box. We take many other scenarios into account such as the skill-sets of internal staff, complexity of the environment and the areas you need us to focus on.
Keep your network running lightning fast, efficiently, and with much less downtime than you've ever experienced before. You get the right resources and the right technicians all performing the exact services that are required to keep your network operating at the optimum levels of performance. We’ll keep track of your network 24/7, and help you take maximum advantage from your computer network. A few of the services we perform are:
•24/7 network testing and optimization.
•Network health check and diagnostics
•Analysis and repair of network vulnerabilities
•Optimize applications to achieve greater performance and stability.
•Check and repair security vulnerabilities.
•Update virus protection and repair systems as needed.
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